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Revolt Productions (Kensington)

For special events Revolt provides epic urban warfare unlike anything else. Host to many of Tech Assaults themed games.

Where is this venue?

12 Elizabeth Street, Kensington, VIC 3031

What are the venue age restrictions?

Typically all events at Revolt are 18+

What is the parking situation?

Free on street parking

What facilities does this venue have

  • Extensive Bar
  • Darkened environment
  • Room to Room battlefields on some occasions
  • 3 minutes walk from public transport

Directions from public transport

Public transport 

Method 1 - Take the Upfield line train and get off at Macaulay station (less than 5minutes from the CBD)  then walk 3 minutes to 12 Elizabeth Street

Method 2 - Take the Craigieburn line train and get off at Kensington station (less than 5minutes from the CBD) then walk 3 minutes to 12 Elizabeth Street

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